Better you, better Lambeth

Lambeth Together is an integrated local care partnership helping Lambeth residents have better access to health and care so they can lead happier, healthier lives.

How we'll help Lambeth thrive

Delivery Alliances

  • Living Well Alliance

    The Living Well Network is making it easier for people to get help with their mental health needs. It already supports hundreds of people every month.

    About the Living Well Alliance
  • Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Alliance

    This Alliance will bring together different providers to offer a better service to Lambeth residents facing a range of issues, including long-term illnesses.

    About the Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Alliance
  • Children and Young People Alliance

    The Children and Young People Alliance will work to make Lambeth one of the best places in the world for children and young people to grow up.

    About the Children and Young People Alliance

Latest news

  1. People in Lambeth can join a free weight loss and exercise programme to help shed the pounds and maintain a consistently healthy weight.
    St Thomas’ Lambeth Healthy Weight Hub staff

    Councillor Jacqui Dyer, Lambeth Together’s Co-Chair and Lambeth Council’s joint Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said: “Whether you’re making New Year’s resolutions or not this is a great way to boost your health in a supportive and inclusive environment.

  2. For a limited period, smokers across London can get six-months free access to the premium version of the highly regarded SmokeFree app to support them give up smoking for good. As well as all the regular features of the app, it provides access to 24/7 real time support and 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy or vapes.