Workplace health checks coming to Lambeth in new national pilot programme

Lambeth is one of the first local authorities chosen to pilot health checks in workplaces and online that will protect more than 130,000 people across the country from diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.

Lambeth secures heart and circulatory system disease prevention pilots

Lambeth Council has been selected to run two new pilot programmes that aim to cut the risk of diseases of the heart and circulatory system (cardiovascular disease). These Department of Health and Social Care-funded programmes feature workplace cardiovascular health checks and Digital NHS Health Checks. The results will be analysed against national data as they progress to measure their impact.

Cardiovascular Disease Health Check pilot  

This programme will see employers offer comprehensive heart health checks at work that can detect people at higher risk of a range of diseases and help them to access effective treatment or take preventative action.

This pilot will run in Lambeth from September 2024 until March next year and checks will take place in workplaces across Lambeth.

Bimpe Oki, Acting Director of Public Health for Lambeth, said:

“This is an important pilot for the people of Lambeth. We will start the workplace checks with council staff, many of whom also live in the borough. The offer will then be extended to other large employers across Lambeth.

“Bringing these checks into people’s workplaces can help save lives, bringing enhanced health awareness to people whose busy lives can sometimes feel like a barrier to getting their health checked.”

NHS Health Check Digital pilot 

In addition, Lambeth will offer a new digital version of the NHS Health Check which will be ready for testing early in 2025. The service will be available through the NHS App, meaning users can conveniently undertake their check at home and have the results recorded in their GP electronic health record within a few clicks.

The NHS Health Check Programme is a national programme designed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Checks are usually done at a GP practice or in the community and aim to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and some cases of dementia. Eligible adults aged 40-74 years are invited every 5 years.

Risk of heart disease is calculated during the check and, where needed, people are supported to reduce their risk through behaviour change interventions, such as weight management, and treatment where needed.

Why are these pilots important for Lambeth?

Cardiovascular disease in England is a leading cause of death and disability, but 80 per cent of it is preventable. It is a major cause of death in Lambeth, and a leading contributor to health inequalities. Black communities are more at risk and Lambeth also has higher than average levels of deprivation, which is also a risk factor. NHS Health Checks are key in reducing these risks.

The offer of workplace and digital health checks will contribute to the commitment set out in Our Health, Our Lambeth, Lambeth Together’s five year health and care plan, to improve uptake of the NHS Health Check for those at most risk. It will additionally support the Partnership’s aim to tackle health inequalities.

Councillor Tim Windle, Lambeth Together board member and Lambeth Council’s joint Cabinet Member for Healthier Communities, said:

“These pilots are a real opportunity for us to continue our vital work in Lambeth towards reducing health inequalities across the borough.

“Both pilots are hoped to improve convenience and ease of access to these life-saving checks for the people of Lambeth, part of a programme that nationally prevents 300 premature deaths each year.”

More information

Find out more about the NHS Health Checks pilots

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