Visit the Health & Wellbeing Bus for Alcohol Awareness Week
Alcohol Awareness Week is taking place from 15th to 21st November and is a chance to get advice, tips and support to drink without putting your health at risk.
On Monday 15 November the Health & Wellbeing Bus will host a special session to raise awareness on safer drinking. Speak to a wellbeing ambassador to take the quiz and Lambeth alcohol treatment specialists who can offer more support if you need it.
Visit them:
- Outside 388, Streatham High Road, SW16 6HX
- Monday 15 November between 10am and 4pm
Why is this important?
The coronavirus pandemic created the conditions for more people to drink more heavily and more often than usual, leaving many people struggling to cope and at risk of serious alcohol harm.
58.6% more people reporting drinking more or at higher-risk levels since the pandemic (Office for National Statistics, 2020).
The harm caused by alcohol affects millions of people every day – individuals, families, communities, and wider society. Alcohol is a causal factor in more than 60 medical conditions including liver disease, high blood pressure depression and cancer (e.g. breast, stomach, bowel, mouth and throat).
By making changes to our drinking, we can reduce this risk.
Take the drink coach test
During alcohol awareness week we are encouraging anyone in Lambeth to take the Drink Coach Alcohol Test to assess how risky their drinking might be. It’s free, quick and confidential to use.
Support for young people
DASH (our alcohol treatment service for people aged 13 to 21) will expand their offer during alcohol week and for the rest of this month placing particular attention on educating young people on the ways in which alcohol can affect relationships and safety.
A further focus will be given to sexual consent and how this can be affected when one or both partners are under the influence of alcohol.
Alcohol and relationships focused universal interventions will be offered to secondary schools, youth clubs and organisations to educate and foster young peoples’ awareness on the content highlighted above. For more information, please contact Valentina Castellana at or on 07917460749.
Where can you go for help and support in Lambeth?
- For alcohol advice and support in Lambeth, adults can call 0203 228 1500 or visit
- If you are 21 or under, visit DASH: