Stop smoking for Stoptober and quit for good

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Smokers are five times more likely to successfully stop smoking forever with specialist help than going it alone. Since 2012, Stoptober has successfully helped 2.5 million smokers quit. And this year, you can be one of them.

Within days of stopping smoking you can taste, you have more money, and longer-term health risks reduce significantly. 

We know that quitting can be hard, and we are here to help you along the way, with free stop-smoking support available to smokers in Lambeth. 

Oscar Moreno, Tobacco Dependence Treatment Manager from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital said: “With specialist support, smokers are three times more likely to quit. Stoptober is a great opportunity to join the challenge and quit smoking for good. We encourage Lambeth residents to contact Lambeth Stop Smoking Service and have a chat.” 

Are you ready to quit smoking for Stoptober?

Find help to stop smoking in Lambeth

Lambeth Specialist Stop Smoking Service 

Free one-to-one support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or vaping kit is available from Lambeth Specialist Stop Smoking Service, delivered by Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. For: 

  • People diagnosed with one or more long-term conditions, including mental illness
  • Pregnant smokers and their partners
  • Parents with children aged five or under
  • Long-term chronic smokers. 

Tel: 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791/email: 

Community pharmacy stop smoking services

Smokers looking to quit can access the stop smoking service in some community pharmacies across Lambeth. View the list of pharmacies.

Health and Wellbeing Bus

For some Stoptober dates, a stop smoking adviser will be on board the Health and Wellbeing bus. To find out when and where view the bus timetable

Smoking cessation is a priority for our partnership with Lambeth Together, because we want to help people stay well and prevent them from developing long-term health conditions and diseases. More about the Staying Healthy Programme 

Vaping to stop smoking

Stoptober 2024 also focuses on vaping to help smokers quit. The campaign will challenge the myth that vaping is as harmful, or more, than tobacco. More about vaping as a tool to quit smoking 

Stop Smoking London

Stop Smoking London have created a guide with hints & tips for you to beat the cravings and quit for good:

Why is this import to Lambeth Together?

Smoking cessation is a priority for Lambeth Together, because we want to help people stay well and prevent them from developing long-term health conditions and diseases. Read more about the Staying Healthy Programme.

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