This is our fourth annual Progress Report, covering April 2022 to March 2023. It includes updated performance figures, how we did against our six priorities, plus our plans for the coming year and beyond.

The Living Well Network Alliance
The Alliance is a collaboration between five organisations: Certitude and Thames Reach (voluntary sector); NHS SEL Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – transferring to the Integrated Care System (ICS) for South East London in July 2022; South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and; Lambeth Council.
In July 2018, all five organisations signed a contract to provide mental health services for working age adults in Lambeth. This is a seven year contract, with the option to extend for another three years to be taken by March 2024. This grew from the innovative Lambeth Living Well Collaborative, which shaped the ‘Big 3 outcomes’ with Lambeth groups and individuals.
The ‘Big 3 Outcomes’

The Alliance is part of Lambeth Together, bringing us together with other public and voluntary sector bodies for joined up health and care. These include Healthwatch, the independent champion for people who use health services. All Alliance partners have equal roles and are responsible for the whole system, not just their part, ensuring we work together for the best interests of people we support.
Can you help us?
We have a short survey that anyone who use our services is invited to complete. It will take less than three minutes and will tell us how well we are doing and what we need to improve.