Latest research from Lambeth DataNet

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Lambeth DataNet uses GP patient records to obtain anonymous information to help plan and improve healthcare services. Below you will find examples of some of the latest research, the findings of which continue to inform our latest work and interventions.

Social deprivation and multimorbidity

Research on Lambeth residents has shown that social deprivation and ethnicity have a significant influence on multimorbidity, which in this study was defined as having three or more of 12 long term conditions. The research, which was funded by Guy’s and St Thomas Charity, has shown that those in deprived communities and those with African-Carribean ethnicity developed multimorbidity some 10-15 years earlier than other populations. The largest influence was found to be social deprivation. This research has resulted in further funding being secured to look at multimorbidity in Lambeth based on a much wider definition, including 34 long term conditions. This research will help to inform how we target interventions to our most at-risk populations.

Fit notes for depression and chronic pain

A recent analysis found that patients in Lambeth with depression and/or chronic pain were issued fit notes more often than those with other long term conditions. It is known that chronic pain and depression often go hand-in-hand and both can benefit from psychological intervention. This supports our continued focus on improving mental health services in Lambeth, with the Living Well Network Alliance providing more support options and acting as a ‘front door’ to mental health services.

Air pollution and respiratory-related GP consultations

Research on air pollution monitoring data has found that those living in areas of Lambeth with higher levels of pollution had more respiratory-related GP consultations. The study looked at daily consultations for acute respiratory infections, asthma, COPD and also prescriptions for inhalers. These findings have important implications for public health and planning resources in general practice and will help to inform Lambeth’s strategy for tackling air pollution.

Smoking and Diabetic Risk Factor Management

A study on European and African/Afro-Caribbean Ethnic Groups in London found that smoking was linked with suboptimal risk factor management in Type 2 diabetes. Lambeth has one of the largest African/Afro-Caribbean populations in London and this study highlights the importance of our work around helping people stop smoking and the importance of patient education and self-management.


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