Lambeth Together listens and provides vital health and care information at the 50th Lambeth Country Show

Over the weekend, we hosted a marquee at the Lambeth Country Show, alongside Active Lambeth, providing information on a range of health and care services for residents. The marquee drew in visitors keen to take advantage of free blood pressure checks and valuable advice from staff across the Borough’s health and care partnership.

Clinicians at the Lambeth Country Show carrying out blood pressure checks
Clinicians at the Lambeth Country Show carry out a blood pressure check on Oge Chesa, Director of Primary Care and Transformation


Attendees benefited from blood pressure checks, mental health advice, information on local care support, measles and childhood immunisations, cancer screening advice, eye health tips and more. In total, over 300 people had their blood pressure checked with our teams, and we heard from around 100 people about what matters to them or their families about their health and care.

Ruth Hutt, Corporate Director for Integrated Health and Care and Lambeth’s Director of Public Health emphasised the importance of Lambeth Country Show as a listening and engagement platform for Lambeth Together. She said: “The Country Show attracts thousands of Lambeth residents over the course of the weekend. We always enjoy going along and taking the opportunity to engage in conversations about health and care. It’s also a chance to bring vital services and information to people in a relaxed and informal setting.

“Thank you to everyone who visited our marquee and shared their feedback – your views are essential in making sure our health and care services are in touch with live issues for our communities”.

Partners and teams who played a crucial role in making the event a success included:

  • Moorfields Eye Hospital with AT Beacon Project
  • Age Friendly Lambeth
  • Age UK Lambeth
  • Guy’s and St Thomas’ Childhood Immunisations
  • King’s College Hospital Cancer Screening
  • Lambeth Council’s Adult Social Care
  • Lambeth Together Living Well Network Alliance
  • Healthwatch Lambeth
  • Lambeth Council’s Public Health Team
  • Lambeth Together’s Health Champions
  • Clinicians from local pharmacies and GP practices
  • ‘Healthier You’ NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

Want to improve health and care in Lambeth?

Lambeth Together is currently recruiting two Patient and Public Voices to the Lambeth Together Care Partnership Board.

Find out more about these positions, as well as more ways to get involved with Lambeth Together as a community member at


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