“I choose to be kind”. Meet Aderito, your Health Champion.

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Aderito is a local health champion who works on the Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus. Here’s a short interview he wanted us to share to remind residents they’re here to help. Come along and find out what’s happening and say hi!

Photo of Aderito, local health champion, at the Health and Wellbeing Bus

Tell us about the Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus and what attracted you to working on it?

“Our health and wellbeing bus travels round the borough with information on how you can stay well or get help when you need it from local groups and services. It’s a way of reaching out to people rather than expecting them to find us, which can be hard, for example if you’re not online or English isn’t your first language.

“I live in Lambeth and like how inclusive and diverse the borough is. I chose to work as a health champion on the bus as I want to help residents improve their health and wellbeing.”

What’s happening at the bus lately?

“Cost of living increases have been a concern for households, and money worries can impact on health. To help with this, the Brixton Advice Centre is on board every Friday, offering free, confidential advice.


“Our walk-in heart health service gives free blood pressure checks and can advise if you’re a healthy weight. You can speak to a nurse about any concerns and get information from a heath champion on support to get moving or shed some pounds.”


What do you like most about your job?

“I love helping residents. I also like building relationships with other organisations who share the same values.

Which Lambeth Council value do you most resonate with?

“Kindness. We can be anything we want to be, but I choose to be kind.”

When you’re not at the bus, where might we find you?

“You’ll find me playing or watching football, basketball or chess.”

Come and say “hi” to Aderito

See when Lambeth Together’s Health and Wellbeing Bus is visiting your neighbourhood: www.lambethtogether.net/wellbeing-bus

To learn about Lambeth Together and our health priorities, follow @LambethTogether


This article has also been published in Lambeth Talk, the council magazine for residents. Read the latest copy of Lambeth Talk here.

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