Help available in Lambeth for No Smoking Day 2025

This year’s No Smoking Day, Wednesday 12 March, is fast approaching. The 2025 theme is ‘taking back your life’, offering a timely reminder of all smokers stand to gain from quitting.

Striking new research shows that on average, a smoker loses approximately 20 minutes of their life for every cigarette they smoke and that the average smoker can save around £48 a week when they give up. Evidence has also shown that once past the short-term withdrawal stage of quitting, quitters have reduced anxiety, depression and stress.


While the physical benefits of giving up smoking are almost immediate, quitters find the effects on their overall quality of life equally marked, for example, having more energy and resources to exercise, socialise and live each day to its fullest.

If you, or someone you love is struggling to quit smoking, take advantage of some of the resources listed below to help make the change today.

Find help to stop smoking in Lambeth


Download the quit smoking app for Lambeth residents

For a limited period, smokers across London can get six-months free access to the premium version of the highly regarded SmokeFree app to support them give up smoking for good. As well as all the regular features of the app, it provides access to 24/7 real time support and 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy or vapes. All delivered to your door, at no extra cost.

Download the app here

Lambeth Specialist Stop Smoking Service

Free one-to-one support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or vaping kit is available from Lambeth Specialist Stop Smoking Service, delivered by Guy’s and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. For:

  • People diagnosed with one or more long-term conditions, including mental illness
  • Pregnant smokers and their partners
  • Parents with children aged five or under
  • Long-term chronic smokers.

Tel: 0800 856 3409 or 020 3049 5791/email:

Community pharmacy stop smoking services

Smokers looking to quit can access the stop smoking service in some community pharmacies across Lambeth. View the list of pharmacies.

Why is this import to Lambeth Together?

Smoking cessation is a priority for Lambeth Together. We want to help people stay well and prevent them from developing long-term health conditions and diseases. Read more about the Staying Healthy Programme.

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