All-age MMR vaccinations

Find out about catchup clinics for the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination in Lambeth

Get protected against measles, whatever your age

Illustration of a female with a plaster on their arm. Text alongside reads: Measles is not just a childhood disease - it can make adults seriously unwell too. Make sure you are up to date with your MMR vaccinationsMeasles is an infection that can spread very easily. It can cause serious problems in some people if it spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or the brain.

The best way to protect yourself and family members – whatever their age – from becoming seriously unwell with measles, is to make sure you’re all fully up to date with routine vaccinations.

Two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination offer the best protection against measles, and also protect you from mumps and rubella.

Ask your GP surgery if you’re not sure you or your child have had the vaccine. They can give it for free on the NHS.
Find out more about the MMR vaccine

Children-only vaccination clinics in GP surgeries and children’s centres in Lambeth

If you are unsure if you or your child has had all the recommended vaccinations – check with your GP practice. It is never too late to catch-up.

See a full list of childhood NHS vaccinations and when to have them. Please note that in most London Boroughs, including Lambeth, the first dose of MMR vaccine is normally given when your child is 12 months old, and the second when children are aged 18 months.

Find out more about why measles vaccination is important in Lambeth