Dr Lorraine Gordon

Lambeth Living Well Network Alliance Interim Director

Lorraine has worked in South London for over 20 years.  She works with residents, carers, communities and partner organisations, including voluntary sector agencies Thames Reach and Certitude, and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Lambeth Council and South East London Integrated Care Board, to deliver care and treatment to support residents with their mental health.

Lorraine works with the Lambeth Together Board to achieve the Lambeth Living Well Network Alliance’s (LWNA’s) big three outcomes:

  • to recover and stay well
  • to make their own choices and
  • to participate on an equal footing in daily life

Lorraine is a Consultant Counselling Psychologist by background, and she was Head of Psychology and Psychotherapy for Southwark adult mental health before coming to Lambeth.  She was also the staff senior lead for the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) in Southwark and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Psychology and Psychotherapy PCREF lead.