
  1. More than 400 residents from across the borough attended the Age Well Festival at the Oval cricket ground on Saturday 5 October 2024, hosted by Lambeth Council’s  Age Friendly team. 

    A key priority for Lambeth Together is to improve health and care to our older residents.

  2. Additional vaccination clinics are running across Lambeth and South East London this week as part of the plan to offer the Covid-19 booster jab to every adult in England by the end of December.

    From Monday this week people aged 30 and over, along with those aged 16+ in high-risk groups, carers of vulnerable people and health and care staff, can book in to have their life-saving Covid-19 booster jab three months after their second dose using the national booking system, rather than waiting six months as previously.


    Ahead of the virtual Lambeth Country Show on 17 and 18 July we’ve launched a prize draw for anyone who spots Lambeth’s new Health and Wellbeing Bus at one of its stops around the borough.

    The converted bus will be stationed at different locations in Lambeth throughout the summer.