
  1. More than 400 residents from across the borough attended the Age Well Festival at the Oval cricket ground on Saturday 5 October 2024, hosted by Lambeth Council’s  Age Friendly team. 

    A key priority for Lambeth Together is to improve health and care to our older residents.

  2. Smokers are five times more likely to successfully stop smoking forever with specialist help than going it alone. Since 2012, Stoptober has successfully helped 2.5 million smokers quit. And this year, you can be one of them.

    Within days of stopping smoking you can taste, you have more money, and longer-term health risks reduce significantly. 

  3. The 40th anniversary of No Smoking Day, a time for us to unite and offer encouragement and support to those on their quitting journey, is swiftly approaching on 13 March.

    Almost every minute of every day someone is admitted to hospital in England with a smoking-related disease and in 2022-23, there were an estimated 400,000 hospital admissions in England due to smoking and one in four hospital patients is a smoker.