
  1. Patients sitting in a circle talking with a doctor who is taking notes.

    Supporting people with chronic pain is one of our priorities within Lambeth Together. Our Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) has been working with Centric to set up a Chronic Pain Patient Advisory Group (PAG).

    As September has been Pain Awareness Month we wanted to wrap it up by highlighting how this group strengthens the voice of people living with chronic pain and how it feed into our work in Lambeth.

  2. The NHS and partners across south east London are joining over 5,000 community groups across the UK to raise awareness of the true cost of alcohol during this year’s Alcohol Awareness Week, which runs from 3rd to 9th July.

    South East London Integrated Care System (or ICS) is encouraging people to get involved in the week by talking about how much alcohol costs us in the form of health problems, financial worries, relationship breakdown and family difficulties.

  3. As Lambeth celebrates our first Refugee Week as a Borough of Sanctuary, we highlight the ‘Safe Surgeries’ initiative in GP practices in the borough. This supports asylum seekers and refugees to access health care without facing unnecessary barriers.

    Safe Surgeries sign

    By signing up to become a Safe Surgery, GP practices receive training and expert advice on steps they can take to ensure that refugees and forced migrants are able to register easily, are reassured that that their patient information is protected, and that they have language support if needed.