
  1. In a powerful movement to combat alarming disparities in cancer outcomes, Black communities across South East London are joining forces to encourage the uptake of breast screening appointments for women aged 50 to 71, and for Black men aged 45 and over, who have a higher risk of prostate cancer, to talk to their GP about having a PSA blood test.

  2. Black heritage women’s sexual, reproductive and family health is in focus this week in Lambeth as the Caribbean and African Health Network hosts a community event at St Mark’s Church in Kennington on Saturday 23 November.

    All women from Black heritage communities are welcome to this event, ‘SHERO – Reclaiming Black Women’s and Family Health’.

  3. More than 400 residents from across the borough attended the Age Well Festival at the Oval cricket ground on Saturday 5 October 2024, hosted by Lambeth Council’s  Age Friendly team. 

    A key priority for Lambeth Together is to improve health and care to our older residents.