
  1. Lambeth DataNet uses GP patient records to obtain anonymous information to help plan and improve healthcare services. Below you will find examples of some of the latest research, the findings of which continue to inform our latest work and interventions.

    Social deprivation and multimorbidity

    Research on Lambeth residents has shown that social deprivation and ethnicity have a significant influence on multimorbidity, which in this study was defined as having three or more of 12 long term conditions.

  2. Lambeth Together Training Hub is a platform for workforce development in Lambeth. It aims to bring together enthusiastic partners to transform our local workforce, making then fit for the future. The Lambeth Together Training Hub is committed to supporting people to work in integrated ways and to deliver joined-up care with the person taking the lead.

  3. With various changes happening in Lambeth’s health and social care, there may be things that directly affect you or your community, and times where you want to share your views outside of the Lambeth Together public events or consultations. Healthwatch Lambeth is the independent champion for all local people, and they work closely with Lambeth Together to ensure everyone’s voice is heard.