Lambeth Together partners across health and care services, hosted the Takeover Challenge on 22 November. The day saw local pupils shadow mentors in their jobs for the day. The day, for Year 10s, also featured an afternoon debate focused on climate change and the environment where the young people expressed their views on the action they want to be taken.
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A key part of Lambeth Together is the Children and Young People Alliance. One of the programmes here is Lambeth Made, aimed at making Lambeth one of the best places to grow up, which has recently been tackling the issue of serious youth violence.
A new project is helping patients and staff to get active in the garden at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Pulross Centre in Brixton.
Patients at the centre, many of whom are inpatients on wards and receiving intensive rehabilitation, are actively encouraged to attend the weekly drop-ins alongside staff and visitors who live locally.
Lambeth Together organisations provide a range of health and lifestyle services to residents in Lambeth to improve their health and reduce their risk of developing a variety of diseases.
Lifestyle factors contribute hugely to poor health and whether it is becoming more physically active, stopping smoking, achieving a healthier weight, tackling diabetes or getting help and support with your mental health there is something for all residents in Lambeth.