This World AIDS Day, Sunday 1 December, the Do It London campaign is focusing on equality, highlighting the needs of Black heritage communities disproportionately affected by HIV. Black Londoners are also invited to shape future services by completing a survey, to make sure testing, prevention and care is tailored to their needs and experiences.
We’re very proud to share the achievements of our partners at this year’s prestigious HSJ Awards, which recognise excellence in healthcare across the UK. Two of our partners took home awards, while several others were highly commended for their innovative work to improve health outcomes in Lambeth, south east London and beyond.
Black heritage women’s sexual, reproductive and family health is in focus this week in Lambeth as the Caribbean and African Health Network hosts a community event at St Mark’s Church in Kennington on Saturday 23 November.
All women from Black heritage communities are welcome to this event, ‘SHERO – Reclaiming Black Women’s and Family Health’.
London’s first Smokefree Pregnancy Week highlights the health harms of smoking when pregnant and access to quit support. The London Smokefree Pregnancy Week (#LDNSmokefreepreg) is an awareness campaign running from 18 – 22 November, aimed at both pregnant women smokers and healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the issue in London and to give support and signposting to advice.