Today (Thursday 9th March), is Social Prescribing Day, which is a celebration of the important role of link workers and organisations that support health and wellbeing. It is a day to highlight social prescribing, how it works, and how it changes lives.
The GP practice at Crown Dale in Norwood has reopened to patients following wide-scale modernisation, refurbishment, and extension. Improvements include a more spacious and welcoming environment, increased capacity, improved access, and a wider range of health and community services being offered to patients under one roof.
Lambeth Council and partners in NHS South East London are working together to develop new plans that will support autistic people of all ages in Lambeth to thrive. Consultation to inform a new All Age Autism Strategy from 2023-26 runs from 16 February to 31 March.
In Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, 6th – 12th February 2023, we are showcasing some of the great joined up working taking place in Lambeth to improve children and young people’s wellbeing.
Children’s Mental Health Week is a nationwide campaign that aims to raise awareness of children’s mental health and the support available.