Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance Progress Report 2023-24

Strategic Priority 2: Connecting services

Our priority outcome: connecting services

Our health and care system can be difficult to navigate, which can lead to worse health. Lambeth Together organisations have committed to working together in a more integrated way. This means doing more work in local communities to help improve the health and wellbeing of residents, address health inequalities, and improve access to support. We’ll do this by focusing on three key areas: integrated neighbourhood teams, Hospital @home and Ageing Well. 

Context and key challenges

We face challenges as a health and care system in Lambeth. Our population is getting older, and we have more people who are living with one or more long term conditions. This means that, more than ever, we need to have health and care services that work together to support people holistically.

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams

People have told us they want more support in the neighbourhoods they live in. To address this, we’re introducing ‘integrated neighbourhood teams’. These teams will bring together various support services, into the communities they serve, to make it easier for people to find and receive the care they need. 

Integrated neighbourhood teams have been highlighted nationally as a key strategy for improving community health and wellbeing. This approach was emphasised in Lord Darzi’s report1, Clare Fuller’s report2 on primary care and the NHS Guidance for 25/263.

Hospital @home

Hospital @home is one of NHS England’s key focus areas in its Recovery Plan for Urgent and Emergency Care4, which will see more patients being supported and cared for in the place they call ‘home’. This will see more patients being supported and cared for in the comfort of their own homes. In doing so, it will help stop people either being admitted into hospital or reduce the length of hospital stays. This frees up beds locally for people who really do need inpatient care. Ultimately, Hospital @home helps people get the right help, at the right time, in the right place, and tailored to their needs.

Ageing Well

The number of older residents in Lambeth is increasing, and it’s important we make sure our services support people as they get older. We’re working together to become an Age Friendly Borough and the council have led on the development of an Age Friendly Borough plan.  

As part of this work, we identified frailty* as one of our priorities for 2024 and beyond. We worked with partners to look at where we can have the biggest impact to support those living with, or at risk of, frailty. 

*According to Age UK ‘frailty’ is a term that’s used a lot, but is often misunderstood. When used properly, it refers to a person’s mental and physical resilience, or their ability to bounce back and recover from events like illness and injury.5

Elderly couple sitting, eating dinner together and talking

Our next steps

Integrated Neighbourhood Teams

Over the next year we’re going to continue to test and learn models of integrated neighbourhood teams. There are three areas we’ll be focusing on: 

  • Supporting people with long term conditions 
  • Supporting people with frailty 
  • Developing a holistic offer in local communities to support the needs of women and girls mental and physical health needs  

Hospital @home

To further develop and strengthen the Hospital @home provision in Lambeth and Southwark we plan to: 

  • Evaluate our use of remote monitoring, taking account of user experiences including patients and staff. We will use this to identify how this is offered consistently, safely and appropriately to patients as an alternative to face to face care where it is safe to do so. 
  • Continue to review access to Hospital @home services, with a focus on reducing any inequalities in how these services are provided. 
  • Make sure there are more seamless transitions across healthcare services, from childhood to adulthood, between specialist care areas (such as respiratory, palliative, and end-of-life care), and from hospital care to long-term community support.

To further develop and consolidate our Ageing Well aims in Lambeth we will: 

  • Test a community frailty model in the most deprived part of the borough, to test a partnership team between a primary and secondary care
  • Develop online falls prevention training for health and care staff across Lambeth to better support older residents
  • Understand and create a neighbourhood approach to wound care so residents who need this support can be seen quicker and have improved self management
  • Develop our understanding and use of data, digital and AI to better support residents’ health and care