Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance Progress Report 2023-24
Strategic Priority 1: Working with communities
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Our priority outcome: working with communities
We help communities thrive by raising awareness of local health and wellbeing support in Lambeth. We also workwith local organisations to develop small projects so that we can test and learn new ways to do things. We quickly customise support, based on local insight, and share our findings with other organisations so we can expand successful projects across Lambeth.
Context and key challenges
We firmly believe residents are the best experts on what they need to thrive, stay healthy, and live fulfilling lives. Their voices should be at the heart of shaping how health and care services are designed, delivered, and improved. When people are involved in decision-making processes, the support they receive is more tailored, effective, and meaningful.
However, we also understand that significant barriers often prevent some of our most vulnerable communities from accessing the care and support they require. These barriers might stem from unfair differences in society, lack of representation, or gaps in communication and resources. Addressing these challenges is a priority for us, and we are actively developing innovative, inclusive, and sustainable solutions to make sure no one is left behind.
What we offer
To overcome these challenges, and support more people to live well for longer, we’ve prioritised two important projects:
Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Community Days in our Thriving Communities
Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus
The Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus parks up at different locations around the borough, bringing information, advice and support into the heart of our communities. It plays a crucial role in linking to the NWDA by directly addressing health inequalities and systemic barriers faced by residents in Lambeth. By bringing health services and support directly into communities, the bus enhances accessibility for disadvantaged groups, including those from Black, Asian, and multi-ethnic backgrounds, individuals with disabilities, and people living in poverty.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Community Days in our Thriving Communities
Musculoskeletal disease refers to conditions that affect the body’s movement system, including bones, muscles, and joints, often causing pain, stiffness, and difficulty with everyday activities.
In 2024 we held two Lambeth MSK Community Days which have demonstrated remarkable success in delivering personalised, safe, and efficient care to our residents in their communities.
We linked these MSK days into our existing Thriving Community networks. Thriving Communities bring together local people and organisations to help improve the health and wellbeing of our neighbourhoods. Learn more about Thriving Communities.
Kamla at the Lambeth MSK Day March 2024
The first of these events was held in March 2024 at the Black Prince Trust in Vauxhall as part of Thriving North Lambeth. We partnered with Guy’s and St Thomas’ physiotherapy and invited 250 residents on their physiotherapy waiting list. The next event was in November 2024 at the Flaxman Sports Centre with residents from the GP surgeries in the Fiveways physiotherapy list invited as part of Thriving Fiveways.
Attendees were given a physiotherapy consultation and advice, followed by a market hall set-up where they could speak to organisations like Age UK Lambeth, St John’s Church, Versus Arthritis, and Mind. At each event we had unanimous support from our community partners for these type of events in the future. We were also able to get direct feedback from residents, helping us to identify areas for improvement, particularly in managing patient expectations.
Our impact
The Lambeth Together Health and Wellbeing Bus
Between January 2024 and December 2024, the team on the Health and Wellbeing Bus achieved:
Interactions and engagements
Welfare and cost of living conversations
Blood pressure checks
Mental health advice conversations
May Measurement Month and Know Your Numbers week at the Health and Wellbeing Bus
The bus team and pharmacists collaborated over three days to give blood pressure checks:
to members of the public in Brixton Market and Windrush Square for May Measurement Month
to staff at Lambeth’s Civic Centre during Know Your Numbers Week.
These events achieved:
Blood pressure checks (public)
Blood pressure checks (staff)
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Community Days
The MSK Community Days have engaged many residents, bringing health and wellbeing support directly into communities. Our events attract a diverse audience, with over 65% female attendees. The 50 to 60 age group have had the highest representation, followed closely by 60 to 70 year olds. Participant satisfaction was exceptional, with over 90% of attendees stating they would be extremely or very likely to recommend the event to others.
Over 200
MSK Day attendees
Over 90%
Extremely/very likely to recommend
Our next steps
Health and Wellbeing Bus
This year we’ll be expanding on our essential health services to residents to include the full range of Vital 5-related checks and support. The benefits of this as a mobile service have been that we can improve accessibility and engage with residents across a wider range of health services.
We’re also developing targeted programmes focusing on women’s and girls’ health, as well as addressing substance misuse issues. These initiatives reflect our commitment to proactive, community-centred healthcare that reaches those who otherwise might not receive healthcare in a way that’s tailored to their specific needs.
MSK Community Days
Our next steps will focus on deepening relationships, strengthening collaboration, and embedding the lessons learned from the MSK Community days into our broader work with Thriving Communities.
While the initial results are encouraging, ongoing evaluation will be needed to provide deeper insights into the long-term impact of this community-based care model.
Case study: Health and Wellbeing Bus
“This teaches me that I should take care of myself because I know that high blood pressure is dangerous. The lady (nurse) told me where I stand with the heart problem or a stroke or heart attack, and so I’m very happy to be here because now I know that I have to start doing something.
“I have to start move around more, try to eat healthy more, and she said cut down on the salt. I know that salt is not good for my pressure, but this helps me more (to change).
“They explained things to me, tell me about my cholesterol and think about the high blood pressure, and about my weight and my heart. They tell me the result of it if I don’t take care of myself, if I don’t try to get the blood pressure down, what can happen.”
– Lambeth resident visiting the Health and Wellbeing Bus
Case study: Gladys, MSK Day attendee
“All the people have been really nice. I’m very happy with the physio and I now have an appointment booked with them. It was so lovely to speak to someone in Spanish. I was surprised to find out more things – I’ve been able to ask about housing, health, activities and many other things. I didn’t expect this!”
– Gladys, MSK Day attendee
Case study: Keith, MSK Day attendee
“I had no idea so much was available for free. I now feel supported fully with so many different options. I’ve got some information about weight control which I feel is the way forward for me. I feel more confident that my hip replacement is going to happen as they’ve looked into that for me. And, after speaking to the physio, I’ve confirmed for myself the hydrocortisone injection isn’t the way to go.”
“It’s been a really good experience and quite eye opening to see the range of services that are available.”