Welcome and introduction

I am really proud to have contributed to the Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) progress in the last year especially with the challenges of the continuing coronavirus pandemic and emerging cost of living crisis. The NWDA has made significant progress to work with our communities to address the unequal health outcomes for people with long term health conditions across different sections of our diverse population.
Throughout all of this, our communities, our staff, our systems, and our resources have all been heavily tested, and those pressures continue to be present. Demand for services across our system in Lambeth remains high. Demands on our staff continue to rise, and yet we have seen incredible resilience.
We’ve seen opportunities for constructive transformation over the past year. Our partnerships formed through Lambeth Together have proven robust, allowing us to collaborate in concrete ways and at pace. We have drawn on one another’s skills and experiences as we continue to improve our understanding of how residents use health and care services, what matters most to them and the support they feel they most need for their health and wellbeing. Using this vital intelligence, we can target our efforts to support those with and at risk of the poorest health. This Progress Report highlights some of the changes in how the NWDA supports improved planning and delivery of health and care at borough level, and our accomplishments in the last year.
Looking ahead, we will continue to go out to our communities to understand what will improve their access to the services they need and give them the best experience of those services. At the same time, we will maintain our resolve to work alongside people to develop better services and support; and keep a focus on population health approaches to produce a bold and ambitious agenda in the coming year. This approach, working together with Lambeth’s communities, will ensure that all Lambeth citizens have the opportunity to thrive.
Dr Di Aitken,
GP and Clinical Lead for Lambeth Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance,
Co-Chair of Lambeth Together Care Partnership Board