Lambeth Living Well Network Alliance Progress Report 2021-22

Our Priorities

Our aims remain to deliver the Big 3 Outcomes (helping people recover and stay well, make their own choices, and participate in daily life on an equal footing) by focusing on six priorities: 

The chapters of this report reflect these six priorities. 

Our main focus has been on keeping services running and dealing with increasing demand as we emerge from the pandemic. We have also continued to develop our offer, including working with our partners Black Thrive and others from the Black community, launching our groundbreaking Culturally Appropriate Peer Support and Advocacy (CAPSA) service and our Staying Well offer with GPs and other ‘primary care’ colleagues.

Can you help us?

We are introducing a short survey that all those who use our services will be invited to complete (online or on paper). It will take less than 3 minutes and will tell us how well we are doing and what we need to improve. Later this year we will report more detailed information on our service performance and impact and ask you for your views and ideas. Click here if you would like to complete this survey or scan this QR code:

Scan to take a short (less than 3 minutes) service user survey.