Our aims remain to deliver the Big 3 Outcomes (helping people recover and stay well, make their own choices, and participate in daily life on an equal footing) by focusing on six priorities:
The chapters of this report reflect these six priorities.
Our focus in 2022/23 has been to manage the increasing demand for our services following the pandemic. We’ve continued to develop our award winning Culturally Appropriate Peer Support and Advocacy (CAPSA) service and our Staying Well approach with GPs and other ‘primary care’ colleagues, such as the new mental health practitioners and social prescribing link workers. You can find out about theses initiatives throughout this report.
Our aim remains to support as many people as possible with their mental health in their own homes and communities.
Can you help us?
We have a short survey that anyone who use our services is invited to complete. It will take less than three minutes and will tell us how well we are doing and what we need to improve.