For a limited period, smokers across London can get six-months free access to the premium version of the highly regarded SmokeFree app to support them give up smoking for good. As well as all the regular features of the app, it provides access to 24/7 real time support and 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy or vapes.
Israel's story
Israel tells his story of supported accommodation, and how one day how he hopes to have a place of his own
Ivo's story
Ivo tells his story of how moving to independent accommodation has helped him on his road to recovery
Mourad's story
Mourad’s story highlights the help he has to sustain his tenancy and get involved in activities that keep him healthy and well
Chenique's story
Chenique shares her experience of the Evening Sanctuary Service at Mosaic Clubhouse
Susan's story
Susan talks about how her life has improved by the support from her key worker and the stability of her home
CAPSA and the PFA
Our Culturally Appropriate Peer Support and Advocacy Service collaborated with the Professional Footballer’s Association to bring more physical activity to hospital inpatients
Brixton Pumas
Brixton Pumas are helping with one of our top priorities: improving physical health for people with mental health issues
Carer's Hub
Carers Hub Lambeth give invaluable support to carers caring for people with mental health conditions
Mosaic Clubhouse
The Mosaic Clubhouse’s unique model of support gives their members space to recover and get back into a routine
Latest Living Well Network Alliance posts (see all →)
London’s first Smokefree Pregnancy Week highlights the health harms of smoking when pregnant and access to quit support. The London Smokefree Pregnancy Week (#LDNSmokefreepreg) is an awareness campaign running from 18 – 22 November, aimed at both pregnant women smokers and healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the issue in London and to give support and signposting to advice.