The Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) prevention priority outcomes
Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) is acting to achieve the following as a result of our collaboration with local partners:
- Ensure Lambeth people are connected to communities which enable them to maintain good health (‘Thriving Communities’)
- Ensure Lambeth communities are well-connected, engaged and thriving, with the infrastructure, tools and support needed to improve health health and wellbeing
- Provide neighbourhood-based health and wellbeing hubs and address health inequalities and the wider determinants of health, improve health and mental wellbeing and provide support to address residents needs
- Ensure Lambeth people receive early diagnosis and support on physical health conditions and support to improve and manage these conditions to keep them healthy for longer
- Ensure people who are at risk of long term conditions are identified early and given help to reduce their risk
- Ensure diabetes is identified early and managed well
- Ensure high blood pressure is prevented and identified through the use of blood pressure checks
- Ensure all people eligible for an annual health check have access and there is an increase in uptake; with a specific increase/focus in uptake for people with learning disabilities and those living with severe mental illness
- Increase the number of cancer diagnosed at early stages