The Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance complex care priority outcomes
Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) is acting to achieve the following as a result of our collaboration with local partners:
- Ensure people living with long-term conditions in Lambeth have help to manage their condition and prevent complication
- Ensure diabetes is identified early and managed well
- Ensure people with chronic pain have consistent, high quality support, are not over medicalised and have community support and streamlined pathways
- Provide personalised care approaches and structured medicines reviews to ensure that people are prescribed the right medicines for them and know how to take them
- Ensure older adults are provided with the right health and care support at the right time
- Make Lambeth a certified age-friendly and dementia friendly borough and supports people in ageing well and continuing to tackle the challenges that lead to poorer outcomes in older age