Lambeth Together Training Hub is a platform for workforce development in Lambeth. It aims to bring together enthusiastic partners to transform our local workforce, making then fit for the future. The Lambeth Together Training Hub is committed to supporting people to work in integrated ways and to deliver joined-up care with the person taking the lead.
Category: News
To mark World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September 2019, key organisations across Lambeth came together for an event hosted by Lambeth Together, to discuss how we call all have life-saving conversations.
In Lambeth, on average two of our residents die by suicide each month, with many more making suicide attempts.
People in Lambeth are invited to attend four day training to become Community Connectors, people that link others in their local community with activities and organisations that can help improve their quality of life.
Mental health is extremely important – it can affect everything we do and how we feel. 1 in 4 people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year.
The new Every Mind Matters campaign encourages adults to be more aware of their mental health and helps them to discover simple steps to look after their mental health and wellbeing.