
  1. To mark Black History Month (BHM) this year, Lambeth is celebrating Black lives, culture and diversity. Lambeth Together is committed to reducing health inequalities across Lambeth. Read more about the work of our Equality, diversity and inclusion workgroup.

    Get a health check while celebrating BHM

    Lambeth Together Health champions will be at the Thriving Stockwell event on Sat, 21 October at 10am until 5pm at the Tate South Lambeth Library ready to provide health checks including blood pressure and share health information with the community.

  2. Lambeth marks World Mental Health Day with a free event from Healthwatch and free suicide awareness training.

    World Mental Health Day takes place on 10 October every year. National and local organisations and groups organise events and activities either on the day or in the days surrounding it, putting a spotlight on the importance of mental health, support available for people and things people can do to protect their mental health.

  3. Latin connection health and wellbeing fair event flyerAs part of Lambeth’s commitment to community health and providing joined up health and care at neighbourhood level, Streatham Primary Care Network (PCN) and Streatham AT Medics are holding a Health and Wellbeing Fair for the Latin Community. Find details of time and place below:

    • Saturday October 7 2023.
  4. Patients sitting in a circle talking with a doctor who is taking notes.

    Supporting people with chronic pain is one of our priorities within Lambeth Together. Our Neighbourhood and Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA) has been working with Centric to set up a Chronic Pain Patient Advisory Group (PAG).

    As September has been Pain Awareness Month we wanted to wrap it up by highlighting how this group strengthens the voice of people living with chronic pain and how it feed into our work in Lambeth.