
  1. London’s first Smokefree Pregnancy Week highlights the health harms of smoking when pregnant and access to quit support. The London Smokefree Pregnancy Week (#LDNSmokefreepreg) is an awareness campaign running from 18 – 22 November, aimed at both pregnant women smokers and healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the issue in London and to give support and signposting to advice.

  2. More than 400 residents from across the borough attended the Age Well Festival at the Oval cricket ground on Saturday 5 October 2024, hosted by Lambeth Council’s  Age Friendly team. 

    A key priority for Lambeth Together is to improve health and care to our older residents.

  3. Lambeth’s new All Age Autism Strategy 2024 to 2027, sets out seven key priorities to make our borough a better place for autistic people.

    Lambeth Council has set out its new approach to supporting autistic people of all ages and their families, and emphasises on the importance of understanding, acceptance and inclusion and is part of our commitment to becoming a borough of equity and justice.