
  1. A public consultation on proposals to improve inpatient mental health services for adults in Lambeth Hospital was launched on 4 March. 

    The consultation, which is led by NHS Lambeth Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Lambeth CCG) and supported by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust), is seeking views on a proposal to move adult inpatient mental health services from Lambeth Hospital, in Landor Road to new, modern and high quality facilities on the Maudsley Hospital site, at Denmark Hill.

  2. Lambeth Together organisations provide a range of health and lifestyle services to residents in Lambeth to improve their health and reduce their risk of developing a variety of diseases.

    Lifestyle factors contribute hugely to poor health and whether it is becoming more physically active, stopping smoking, achieving a healthier weight, tackling diabetes or getting help and support with your mental health there is something for all residents in Lambeth.