
  1. This year’s No Smoking Day, Wednesday 12 March, is fast approaching. The 2025 theme is ‘taking back your life’, offering a timely reminder of all smokers stand to gain from quitting.

    Striking new research shows that on average, a smoker loses approximately 20 minutes of their life for every cigarette they smoke and that the average smoker can save around £48 a week when they give up.

  2. Friday 31 January’s Great Mental Health Day aims to get Lambeth sharing and exploring about small acts of kindness that make a more supportive, caring, and compassionate community.

    The theme of this year’s Great Mental Health Day is ‘small actions for others’ –  a reminder that we can all do something to spread hope and kindness.

  3. For a limited period, smokers across London can get six-months free access to the premium version of the highly regarded SmokeFree app to support them give up smoking for good. As well as all the regular features of the app, it provides access to 24/7 real time support and 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy or vapes.